On March 30, 2022, Ambassador Dr. Mózes Csoma visited the National Hangeul Museum, dedicated to the Korean writing system, where he was received by Director Hwang Joon Suk. During the meeting, they observed the vintage Hungarian-Korean Dictionary, which was donated to the museum by the Hungarian Ambassador in 2019. The archive dictionary was published in Budapest in 1957 by Dr. Aladár Sövény, the pioneer Hungarian Koreanist scholar. The Ambassador also presented two monographs to Director Hwang Joon Suk, which were written by him. One of the books describes the life and researches of the aforementioned scholar Dr. Aladár Sövény ("헝가리 최초의 한국학 학자 북한을 만나다 - 쇠베니 얼러다르의 1950년대 북한 문화에 관한 기억들"), while the other book was written on the North Korean students who had been in Hungary in the 1950s. ("From North Korea to Budapest - North Korean students in the Hungarian revolution in 1956").